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Islam & Political Accommodation

Exploring how governance arrangements addressing Islam can enhance peace

This initiative aims to understand and reconcile different visions of the role of Islam and governance and develop options for governance arrangements addressing Islam that enhance peace. In 2014, this initiative focused on Islam and political accommodation within Sudan. However, the work has broader relevance for other Muslim-majority countries, and could serve as a basis for exploring religion and governance more broadly.

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The relationship between Islam and the State has been at the center of Sudanese political discourse since the country’s independence in 1956. While Islam has a deep capacity for tolerance and accommodation, issues surrounding Islam and governance have often been a source of conflict. Reconciling different visions of the role of Islam in governance is critical to Sudan’s future stability and prosperity.

Areas of Activity

Conflict Dynamics has implemented preliminary activities under this initiative, aiming to bring together experts on Islam and governance in Sudan from across the religious spectrum in a series of consultations.

Better understand and seek to reconcile different visions of the role of Islam in governance in Sudan

Explore case studies of other countries that have faced similar issues relating to Islam and governance

Identify and move forward additional research that could help advance discussions relating to Islam and governance in Sudan

Draw on the frameworks and tools of Conflict Dynamics’ political accommodation methodology to brainstorm concrete options for governance arrangements that can accommodate the country’s diverse and competing interests and perspectives on the role of Islam in the State

This program, implemented between 0000 - 0000, is ready to resume with new fuding.

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