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Political Accommodation

People with diverse interests taking account of others’ perspectives without compromising their own core interests.

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Political Accommodation is about people with diverse interests taking account of others’ perspectives without compromising their own core interests. This can lead to finding compatible interests, and to reaching agreements on parameters for continued dialogue, or on how people are willing to be governed. In short, Political Accommodation is about everyone having a fair chance at expressing their interests and reaching a fair outcome.



 “Political accommodation is about the spirit of team work. If building a house, everyone needs to take part… political accommodation gives people a sense of belonging, ownership and that they are part of the community… The recognition of others’ role is very important… this is what the concept of PA supports.”

Faculty member of John Garang Memorial University

South Sudan

Featured Publications

How Governance Functions

Case studies of seven countries through the lens of Political Accommodation

Political Accommodation

Theory and practice for peacemaking and peacebuilding

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